
Monday, April 16, 2012

powerful prayer

"So He [Jesus] Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed."
Luke 5:16

Even Jesus Himself prayed to His Father, God.  What a perfect example He laid for us.

I know that I've talked about prayer before, but I can't seem to get over the power that I have personally discovered in prayer.  If we pray in faith, it becomes a direct link between us and God.  It has become, for me, second-nature to just talk to the Lord about everything within the quietness of my heart, wherever I am.  Although often, like Jesus did, I have to get away.  I live in the country, so there's plenty of places not far away to go to find a quiet moment with the Lord.

Recently, I was reading a verse that I've known by memory almost all my life, but this time, God showed it to me in a different light.

"Confess your trespasses to one another and pray for one another that you may be healed.  
The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much."
James 5:16

So, the three guidelines given for powerful prayer are:

Effective.  Learn how to pray genuinely and according to God's will.  We can learn about God's will and how He works in different situations by reading His word.

Fervent.  Pray often! Pray, pray, pray all the time.  He's your friend.  He'll always have time for you!

Of a righteous man.  If you ever feel distant from God, the problem may be a hidden or undealt-with sin. Try with all your heart to live the pure life God has enabled and intended you to live.
He will honor this effort!

When you begin to pray effectively, fervently, and while living a righteous life, you will see how God, because of your prayer, begins to move in powerful ways!

God's answers are simple.  He will say "Yes" if  what you have requested does not conflict with His will;  He says "no"  if it does, and "wait" if He is still at work in a situation.  His will is perfect... be ready to submit to His answers.  He'll make them clear to you.  I know that!

1 comment:

  1. I've been reading you girls' blog for a while and I've been so encouraged! Keep posting!
